Compatibility check is an evaluation used to ensure that software applications work properly on different browsers, databases, operating systems (OSs), mobile devices, networks, and hardware. Compatibility check is a form of non functional software testing - meaning it tests aspects such as usability, reliability, and performance - to ensure that applications are trustworthy and customer satisfaction.
PC compatibility check is crucial for the successful performance of applications. As long as the builds become stable enough for testing, they should be executed.
Types of compatibility check
There are two main types of compatibility check: backward compatibility check and forward compatibility check.
Backward compatibility check, also known as downward compatibility, is the testing of older versions of applications or software to verify their successful performance on newer hardware/software.
Backward compatibility check is important as some users may operate applications on old devices. Backward compatibility check can be used to ensure that new versions can still run on old devices or operating systems.
Forward compatibility check is to evaluate the application or software in the upcoming or new version of hardware/software to verify the performance of the existing hardware/software and the new version.
These two types of compatibility checks will also include several more specific testing categories. These categories are:
Version testing - Ensure that software applications are compatible with different versions of software.
Browser testing, also known as cross browser testing, ensures that software applications run properly on different browsers such as Google Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Internet Explorer, as well as browsers on different devices such as laptops, iPhones, Android, and tablets.
Hardware testing - Evaluate the performance of software applications under different hardware configurations.
Software testing - testing developed software applications to ensure their successful performance with other software. This includes compatibility between Microsoft Word applications and Microsoft Outlook or Excel, and vice versa.
Network testing - Evaluate the performance of software applications in different networks, such as 3G, 4G, and Wi Fi.
Device testing - Ensure appropriate performance of software applications with different devices, such as USB port devices, printers, scanners, and Bluetooth.
Mobile testing - Check if software applications are executing on different mobile devices and their various platforms, including iOS and Android operating systems.
Operating System Testing - Confirm that the software application runs normally on different operating systems (such as Linux, Mac, and Windows).